Tuesday, December 2, 2008

WW #32

WW #32
from Wednesday Weirdness by (Macabre Girl)

Questions Submitted By: Anonymous

I would like to thank the lovely girl who submitted this weeks questions! I do understand your request to remain anonymous. As an added kick, the anonymous question creator this week is also someone who ~might~ be playing along with us as well. :wink:

1.) If you knew one of your close friends was cheating on their significant other, would you get involved? (EX: Tell their SO, try to talk to your friend about it, etc) Why or why not?
+/-Click here for answers

I would talk with my friend to discover why then make a decision about intervening.

2.) If your SO was cheating on you and one of your close friends knew, would you want them to tell you? Why or why not?

Absolutely - friends are friends - share everything - SO are just that, 'others' until they become a friend.

3.) Have you ever stuffed your bra or underwear to make the size of your breasts or penis seem larger?

Never had a need to stuff my pants...

4.) Would you sleep with a friend's significant other behind their back if it were guaranteed you'd never be caught?

Never - unless they divorced and my friend told me to go for it. Happened once - he warned me I would not like it - he was SO right.

5.) Do you think you are more intelligent than your significant other?

I'm stupid - I know that because she tells me all the time.

6.) Do you ever fantasize about cheating on your significant other? Are you ever tempted to really go through with it?

I fantasize about threesomes with my SO - no luck so far but I am persistent.

7.) Have you ever had cyber sex, text sex or phone sex with someone other than your significant other during a relationship?

Nope - if I am not being satisfied by the one I am with then I am no longer with her.

8.) Would you cheat on your significant other twice monthly for half a year to have all your debt permanently erased?

I have no debt - but I do not think I could live with myself.

BONUS! Have you ever fantasized about having sex with any blogger friends? Would you be daring enough to reveal five of them?

Can't say I have fantasized but I could name with ease five I would like to have sex with IF they agreed. The problem would be getting up enough nerve to ask....

Then again a question never asked is never answered.


BELLE said...


Ashly Star said...

No debt? Very nice! Good for you.

Enjoyed reading your answers. Happy Wednesday!

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